18 November 2006

cats and dogs

The FB is starting to worry me. He seems to be labouring under the impression that he is an animal. Yesterday he came up to me and licked my hand. I said "ughh don't do that, you're not a dog" and he said "bark! bark!" and licked my hand again. He also climbs on to the back of the sofa and when he's told that only the cats are allowed to sit up there, yup you guessed it, he miaows like a cat. My son is certifiable.

Yesterday it bucketed it down, absolutely poured. One of those days when it is far nicer to be in doors snug and warm with perhaps a good film on the box. Alas we had to go out to meet MrV from the tube station as tonight was our once-every-three-years fish 'n' chip night. So the FB and I put on our wet weather gear and headed out.

Today was gorgeous, a beautiful clear crisp autumn day and my mother-in-law is making one of her flying visits to London from the arse of beyond. She left home at 3am this morning, and flies back up north at noon tomorrow. Poor woman, she is absolutely shattered but so happy to see her grandson, and it was lovely to see her too.


Bec said...

I know what you're talking about! both m girls did the animal thing at around two or three, morphing into a purer licking-only obsession that drove me very nearly insane.

Not my boy, but I don't think it's gender based anyway - more like trying out different skins to see which one fits best!

btw, I think we have the same sofas...

Stomper Girl said...

Both my boys think it is hilarious to lick me, usually because I shriek and jump 2 foot in the air.

nutmeg said...

Yes, alot of licking and crawling around like a cat here. My 5 year old is teaching the 2 year old this fine art a little while before she would have picked it up herself I'm sure!

velcro said...

yes, I think it was my reaction to being licked that made it go on and on and on and.... but ughh

caramaena said...

My kiddo licks my face sometimes - I hate it! Mind you, I think that's why he does it now...

sueeeus said...

I love the yellow hat! My little one gets down on all fours and puts his face into the carpet, like a dog trying to gobble up scraps. Silly boy.