18 November 2007

The only way is up

After yesterday's tale of woe, you'll be happy to hear that things improved today. The Count is still counting sleep in seconds rather than hours but as MrV took the boys this morning while I had a lie in until 10, I feel much better. I'm not sure what is causing the current disturbance in the Count's sleep patterns. The FB was the same at this age and I kept a very detailed daily diary to see if anything would show up but it didn't matter if he had solids or not, and more or less feeds both bottle and breast, some nights he would sleep through, some nights he wouldn't. We ended up having to go through the horrible "letting him cry himself to sleep" as nothing else worked. I hoped that we would avoid this with the Count as he was such a good sleeper, but I guess not.


Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better! May it pass quickly!!

meggie said...

Hope he settles down again. The leave crying can be just as nerve shattering as not getting sleep.

Anonymous said...

Glad you got some rest, hope the seconds of sleep soon turn into hours.

Stomper Girl said...

Well if he is old enough then I think there are a lot of long-term benefits to having a child that can self-settle rather than one who constantly asks you to do it for them! If only teaching them that skill was not so hard....

Good luck.

caramaena said...

Ah you poor thing. It's no fun when sleep is counted in seconds.

Chickie was never a great sleeper - didn't sleep through the night until he had his first set of grommets for ear infections and only ever napped once or twice a day (if I was lucky) for only half an hour at a time.

I'm glad you got a sleep in.

Aunty Evil said...

You poor thing.

Can't think of anything else to say to you.

You poor thing.

molly said...

at least his name is an accurate reflection of his sleeping habits [or lack thereof]---assuming he's named for the count on Sesame St.?