It appears that problems with the postal service was not the only thing that followed us when we moved house. I suspect that our friendly poltergeist MrsS has come too. Things are disappearing and then reappearing in places previously searched thoroughly, and these are not things that could be blamed on the cats and their sticky paws. Last night for example, MrV and the FB wanted to set off the last of the sparklers so the FB was asked to go and get his wellies and put them on. Only one could be found. We all searched the hall where both had been but it could not be found. Three hours later I glanced down as I walked past where we had searched and there it was lying brazen as can be on top of a pile of shoes up against my umbrella. I know it wasn't there before.
Fortunately that thing of black evil on my couch hasn't come too, or perhaps it did and has been scared off by the drum and base from next door.
We call them the 'Others'. They just take things, borrow them, then put them back in plain view!
what would they want with one shoe though Meggie?
Velcro, do you have a history in that place of a one legged kleptomaniac?
perhaps one of them is one legged Aunty? And with very small child sized feet. Perhaps the poltergeist isn't MrsS but Hop-Along Cassidy.
My money's on FB as your poltergeist.
My stepdaughter when aged 5 managed to convince her mother that a ghost had laid all the bottles of pop in the cupboard on their side. Mr T asked her in the car when he was picking her up if it was her that moved the bottles. She looked guilty then nodded her head!
I'm dreading what LMT will get up to, it's obviously something that runs in the Thistletwat family DNA. Then again it might be counteracted by her superior Nettlequim genes from my side.
Aha, you have got borrowers. Obviously they couldn't use the boot for anything so put it back!
I think we have one of those poltergeists too. :)
I am sorry about your stomach bug. I do that all the time, congratulate myself on not catching something only to catch it! Fate laughs at me.
FB does have beautiful hair. You are right.
When does your DJ neighbor sleep? Make sure to make lots of noise at that time.
I am glad the black thing from the couch didn't follow you :(
A revise of that post freaked me out all over again ...
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