03 January 2009


The sun is shining at present, and the building opposite mine is glowing golden. I love sandstone buildings, the way the bricks turn different shades through the day and through the years. It doesn't feel like it will be such a bad year. And yet we have a recession looming (I don't think Britain is officially in one yet), businesses are going bankrupt and massive unemployment seems inevitable. I wonder how this will affect my family, will MrV keep his job through it all? How will it affect our area - there are a lot of little shops around here - will they manage to keep open? And what about the online sellers like Posy gets Cozy? Will they still keep their heads above water? I hope so. There is a feeling of gloom, and understandable worry, but also a bit of excitment as people wonder what will come out of this all. Will there be more equality or will the country be even more financially divided than before?

So, here's to an interesting 2009. May you all come through these times intact.


meggie said...

There does seem to be an element of hope among the dire warnings of downturns.
Perhaps we will appreciate the simple things of life more this year.
Happy Lucky New Year to you all!

Pam said...

I hope you're similarly intact. Had a walk by the Water of Leith and looked for you but didn't see you. (Could I possibly accost a random woman who was wheeling a Count-like baby, I wonder?)

(I don't mean I was lurking in wait for you! - just having a walk.)

Stomper Girl said...

I hope we all come through intact too. That's a good wish for the New Year, all the best to you too Velcro.

(I watched Long Way Down with Ewan McGregor and briefly saw his brother which made me think of you!)

Stomper Girl said...

Oh. And I saw the Doctor Who Christmas special via a friend (won't officially screen here for a while)and that reminds me what do you think of new Doctor? (Apart from David Tennant shouldn't leave) The new one was great in Bleak House so it could be a good thing...

velcro said...

I haven't seen it yet Stomper. Missed it on Christmas day and while I keep meaning to watch it on BBC Iplayer on the web (can you get that in Oz?)...

not sure about the new doctor, I don't think it is possible to be a better doc than David Tennant

Caro said...

I second that emotions. May we all come through intact and maybe even stronger then before.

Caro said...

emotion not emotions. Urgh

Aunty Evil said...

You're posting again! I came here every day for months, and only found 3 craws. I gave up eventually, now I decide to stick my nose in to see what's happening and you have gone crazy! Now I have to catch up.

Good to see you back.