It is possible, considering the differing rates of planetary revolution and movement around their suns, that yesterday, somewhere in the universe it was Friday 13th. It certainly was here, if not in date then definitely in manner.
- The FB was in sulk mode, finding it unfair of me even to ask him to try to put his socks on.
- The rubbish bins had not been provided by the landlord but had been brought home by our downstairs neighbours, and I had graffitied them with our house number. Apology required.
- It was a rainy and windy day which is never a good combination. The FB's pushchair's raincover can't cope with rain and wind and turns into a smothering layer of plastic so when the FB, after several attempts by me to keep the cover off his face, kicked the raincover off, my limited patience gave out and I stalked off down the road followed by a screaming toddler. Witnessed by another parent from his nursery.
- etc etc etc
The list is endless and the day cumulated with the FB being sent to his room in disgrace and me sobbing on the couch. All in all a horrible horrible day.
Today, despite the rain, wind and thunder, the sun is shining on our little home. The neighbours were fine with me painting the house number (we share the same house number) on the bins, and although it absolutely bucketed it down as I left to pick the FB up from nursery, by the time I had arrived the sun was shining and another battle with the raincover was avoided.
As for Mars, well the little area of SW London in which we reside has a crater named after it. No Provencal village or adorable hamlet in Tuscany for us, no, we get a lifeless hole in the ground.