12 November 2007

Kitten on a rough wooden fence

This is our neighbours' (the other side, not the DJ) kitten. He likes to wander into my backyard and would come into the house if we let him. Unfortunately Frog is more than a little territorial and does not appreciate adorable kittens coming avisiting.


meggie said...

I rather like nosey neighbour kitties. But our dogs wont tolerate any poor kitty visits.

Aunty Evil said...

he is cute, isn't he? Rather well camouflaged in the smaller shot, but clearly seen when enlarged.

Is he black or brown? The light shows him both colours.

velcro said...

he's black but could be like Velcro who as a kitten looked black until she was in bright light then you realised she was actually dark brown with black stripes. Now she's completely black

Anonymous said...

Awww sweet little kitten!

I'm sure that our cat has sold our flat to the cat downstairs. Tali (ours) never comes by these days but Blossom (who is male but had very small bits and was mistook for a female) is always here, I caught him asleep on the bed yesterday. Could Frog give Tali lessons?

velcro said...

she could MrsT, but she would also teach him bad habits like how to open a tub of marge, how to get into a rubbish bin and the best times to throw up. Then Blossom might go home and practise on your place..